20 July 2006 #1
now at dubois, Wyoming. Crawled in last night at 9pm after hours of headwinds reduced me to 5mph and then just as the wind-dropped – and hence the mozzies emerged – a backwheel flat and no spare tube, 8 o’clock at night and still 20 miles to the campsite!
woke this morning ravenous and headed for the cowboy café for breakfast. Noticed an internet café amongst the wooden shop-fronts of this great little one-street town. By the time I’d fixed inner-tubes and tweaked gears (don’t even ask about the front derailer!) it was lunchtime and the wind was up. Want to keep moving. chris is now on the same continent and we hope to meet in Missoula about seven days cycling away, headwinds permitting. On the other hand, am still feeling distinctly wind-blasted (and look it too). At the campsite office they told me there’s live music practically next to my tent tonight. That settled it. Day off!!! Blog-catch up, food catch-up and then off to tackle togwotee pass tomorrow